Independent Stampin'Up! Demonstrator!

Hey friends!
I've been a demonstrator with Stampin'Up! since 2011. I'm located in Bozeman, Montana, but have customers all over the country. I have a very fun and active downline called "Big Sky Stamper Stars" and we get together in person and online to share what we love. My blog posts feature what I'm up to recently and I try to share new product information, tips and tricks and creative inspiration. You can shop from this site or find out more information about our products and becoming a demonstrator! Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Thankful and Grateful

Happy Thanksgiving friends!
I don't know anyone that doesn't love the Thanksgiving holiday. I do know a few people who aren't crazy about the turkey dinner with all the trimmings as they would rather have a pizza!  It's a wonderfully American tradition to purposely take at least a day and ponder our blessings. By any measuring stick, they are abundant for most of us.  Our family tradition has kept us in Montana for all but a couple of years. That means cold weather, often snow, and usually not with extended family. Years ago, my husband started inviting Thanksgiving "orphans" to our table and we've tended to do that most years.  Very often, I didn't even meet the people until that day. It was often college students who had too tight of school and work schedule to head home. A few times, it was delivery guys from the retail store my husband worked at who knew they only had Thursday off because of all the Black Friday craziness the next day.  Some times it's been elderly people from our church congregation who were long past the days when they cooked a meal. It's always been fun and it reminded my husband and I to seek out those who could use some kindness in our lives. It spoke volumes to our three children, who as adults, continue to welcome people to their homes and tables.  This year is the first year we are remodeling our kitchen during this holiday!  We are not doing a turkey but we are doing a special soup we had in Norway this summer and my husband insists we are using the china (because we never use it, haha).  My oven works and I have a fridge but no water or counters in the kitchen so it's a little interesting. We will be washing china in the bath tub later today I suppose.

Anyway, it's a wonderful time to be reminded of all God has brought into our lives, good and bad. The good blesses us and the bad has a way of growing us closer to Him which is still a blessing. I thought I would spread some Thanksgiving cheer on my blog today with some cards that I've made over the years celebrating this special holiday.

Wishing you and the people you love a very Happy Thanksgiving!

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